Taking a look at what we are working on this week …. starting with an 80cm globe in Prussian Blue.
For some fun facts about the Statue of Liberty click > here <
Painting the horizon band for a large floor standing globe…
Glossing the 127cm Churchill which is going to be our first “Churchill Galileo”
Some illustration detail on an 80cm globe –
Leo working on a 23cm Mini Desk Globe in Cool Blue –
Grant working on special bases made for a order of 12 going to Moldova with a horoscope theme…
80cm Galileo in Mint Green
36cm Albion in Prussian Blue
The Moldova order ready to go out
Jon celebrating his 5 year anniversary in the company!
Finishing touches on a 36cm in Prussian Blue
Rachel working on a 36cm in Mint Green Cassini
Order in progress for Linley –
Follow us on Instagram @globemakers
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All of our globes are made bespoke to order, globes shown have a home they are headed to. For more information on commissioning email jade@bellerbyandco.com